This latest LAGOON takes after the family members of longer standing, yet it has developed its own personality. With its truly original interior layout and an owner`s version with what can finally be called a real owner`s head, where the separate shower offers unequaled comfort, the LAGOON 380 is the pampered model of the line. Thanks to its superb bar, the panoramic salon and galley connect directly with the cockpit. Its grand interior volume for a 38 footer veils the fast and seaworthy hulls, while the classic mooring system foretells the loveliest anchorings to come. Ingenious and innovative, like all LAGOONs, the LAGOON 380 is not really the smallest, except for its length.
Boat Designer
Marc Van Peteghem / Vincent Lauriot Prýývost
Cabin Accommodation
Large cockpit, functional as deck salon, access from port transom
Self-draining cockpit
Steering station on roof bulkhead, engine controls, engine panels, compass, room for electronics