Take a great boat, customize it with key features and you’ve got a treat for fishing lovers looking to be pampered. The well-defined layout of the Mirage is enhanced on the Fish and Fun package with an open bow with removable pedestal seats. Add a pedestal seat to the stern island and you’ve got space for everyone to fish all sides. All in all, you’ve got a comfortable boat with all the trimmings needed to satisfy the fish lover while still fulfilling the family’s need for a great all-around boat. With a fully-lined deck, sand and mud won’t last long. Simply hose the deck down and you’re ready for yet another fishing expedition.The built-in livewell with aerator is well hidden beneath the rear seat, giving you easy access to the catch of the day. Pedestal seats, adequately serving as rear deck seating, are transportable to the bow and stern fishing decks for fishing from all angles of the Mirage. This leaves a 360 degree walk-around for a completely accessible stern, and an easy entry for all passengers.The Mirage Fish and Fun comes standard with a pre-wired 12 volt trolling motor setup on the bow for stress-free set up.